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·镶嵌在欧亚大陆桥上的璀璨的明珠——黑龙江五大连池  ·新疆高山湖泊——天山天池  ·沙漠珠峰——内蒙古阿拉善巴丹吉林沙漠  ·瑞士卢塞恩湖风光  ·中国第一奇山——黄山  ·西藏之旅的钻石级选择——林芝鲁朗  ·北京现代建筑——中国国家大剧院  ·每周影人:从西双版纳走来的摄影家——王艺忠  ·湖南凤凰苗疆边墙——中国南方长城  ·“千年古刹”——福建厦门南普陀寺  ·康定新都桥  ·京郊明清古村落——门头沟爨底下村  ·新疆天山牧场  ·优秀影人:甘肃摄影家王得榜  ·雪域天堂上高原玉带——尼洋河  

Iron-horse was from old west. This collection based in 21st century. Views of rail are repeated to the point of dissolving rather than re–forming into greater whole object as train.
Object and rail are distinct el...

Photographer who inhabits the open space of beach landscape – needs only few model actors and dog to transport the audience there by images with them, inspired by the spatial tensions evident in this study, example, and...

Journal – CN. 6
Gold beach area north Dalian shows some of the gathering popularity with visitors. Transport the old ways horse and the modern way pure pursuit of speed trains. Nothing grand with this shoot all se...

Gold beach area north Dalian photo catalog – CN.14
Roller-coaster providing audiences with speed and enjoyment or the fun park. This shoot taken some distance away. Attempted to blend the subject into the neighbor...

Journal – CN.9
North-east end of gold beach area Dalian.
Ancient style fishing boats set in own environment on stand by. This small shoot emphasizes the very importance fishing boat history over Ks years has...

Photography series these works are not ornament, but engraved upon hard glass surface. Based on copy of pictures carved 60 years ago, mounted into windows outside museum. Study of these photographic images has to engage ...


North Dalian area – photo catalog – CN.12
Delighted hedge collection across the city more so in north Dalian on very large scales. Mixed styles blend into the landscape these are all masterful works and well main...

Near gold beach area North Dalian photo catalog – CN.13
In gathering collection of mansions on this shoot with unlimited availability. The work was easy. Set out certain concept being mixed styles between trees an...

Roads leading toward beach-north Dalian. Photo catalog – CN.15
Just general cityscape with side and main roads of modern area with certain movements.  Le Johnno - 2011  

District sectors around Dalian close to schools Journal shows specific projects of art resources.
By unknown artists as works were not signed. However this is normal with street art and may produce unintended knock...

Mansion-views-chattels, harked back to the past, like Art deco - combined decorative excesses of the modern style at mansion level achievements of geometric settings.
Expressionist layouts allied to taste for exces...



Day at the races
Throughout its history, photography has been employed by Horse Racing clubs worldwide in diverse range of practices. First it was amateur pictures, then geological survey photo work. Social documen...


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