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·北京奥运场馆“鸟巢”变身成北京人的健身乐园  ·中国最大的红叶景区——流光溢彩的四川米亚罗  ·亿载造就绝景奇观 江西三清山  ·四川青城山——纵横千百年的道教“博物馆”  ·广州华林寺——中国佛教禅宗文化重要发祥地  ·每周影人:广东摄影家田战  ·每周影人:云南摄影人龙家泽  ·CCN图片传媒广告代理招商  ·优秀影人:北京摄影家付小波  ·优秀影人:山东摄影家翟爱国  ·优秀影人:湖北摄影家李昌理  ·齐鲁名城——山东·济南  ·沪地铁一日四起事故引发上海最大规模交通瘫痪  ·河北秦皇岛海滩风光  ·“鸟巢”国家大剧院等问鼎鲁班奖  

Northland – North Island – Bay of Islands – NZ.
The importance of vast landscape to national identity has recently become the subject of mass – tourist interest. The experience of clean and green uniquely NZ, p...

Photography series as bird eye unconventional view is real, not illusory or conceptual.
Its about real people (not models or actors ) real time real live actions, real movement – the beauty of people in street pla...

  在庆祝建党九十周年的庄严时刻,我怀着极其敬仰的心情踏上了祖国西北这篇红色土地,来到仰慕已久的陕北、延安。     在我们这些后辈的心中,陕北与延安就是一种宗高的、不可企及的“理想境界”。在这片热土,“精神”与“物...



Northland – North Island – Opua area – Bay of Islands – NZ.
From Opua take car ferry across harbour to Okiato and pass several scenic reserves. The most important heritage site being place of first Government N...

Location Renmin Square – Dalian central catalog journal – CN. 17
Water exhibition facilities   ID:115318-03451 喷泉   图片来源:CCN传媒图片网 乐骄傲
Plays 3 times per day – best time just befor...

The idea of emblem and the idea of symbol are commonplace today. Now called the brand will no longer shock you. The origin of emblem, a collective desire for analysis and poetic references toward trade since The Roman Ti...

This natural hall of flat mirrors closely intertwined with circular ripples. Water cascades down a tiny waterfall and lead in river nearby. Falling water, rushing water, swirling water, still water, sound of water, color...



  中国无锡佛教灵山大佛圣地——梵宫无锡新造的佛教圣地“梵宫”,我被震撼了。人生第一次体验到了什么是庄严和雄伟。有一种洗涤心灵的作用。   ID:109061-00960 佛教圣地  图片来源:CCN传媒图片网 丁卫     以...

The atmospheric moments in the landscape that was otherwise poignantly evoked by camera images with viewers alienated from the accomplished all – over impressionist surface of Coromandle landscape, were possibly realist...

Creativity – designer jewelery green-stone – Kauri
Direction onto prepared surfaces-jewelery set out attempt to seize the instant viewer who first sets eyes on them as jewelery object. Often an instrument by fixi...

Auckland-Based quartet 2006 beginnings. Members-drummer Alexander  freer, vocalist and lyricist Matthew hope, guitarist Jonathan Pearce and bassist Reuben Stephens.   ID:115318-03226 摇滚乐队   图片来源...


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